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Greenspring Center for Lifelong Learning

Schedule for 2023 - 2024

Live Streaming Via Zoom and Podcasts

 To learn more about the Greenspring Center for Lifelong Learning, please visit their website or

reach out to Margaret Jarrell at She is happy to set up a call to tell you more about our plans for the Center and answer any question you may have.

Follow this link for the full schedule


MSM Fall 2023 Membership Meeting

October 24, 2023. Via Zoom. 4:00 - 5:00

 Liran Laor, the Program Manager of Child Care Support Services,

 Division of Early Childhood Services in Rockville.  She will speak about the many FREE services available to

caregivers and children (Zero to 5). She has a wealth of knowledge and access to many resources!

Email for the zoom link.


Greater Washington Montessori Conference

November 4,  2023

8AM - 4PM

Registration is now open for the Annual Greater Washington Montessori Conference. 

This will be held at the Barrie School on November 4, from 8 AM - 4 PM. 

The cost is $100 per person (light breakfast treats, coffee and lunch included) - there is a 10% discount for groups over 10.

Attendees will receive certificates of attendance from AMS, for 6.25 clock hours.


Here is the link with information and for registration:

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